Monday, September 12, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

A girlfriend once told me, having children is a woman’s destiny, it is her purpose in life. Yikes. Scared the hell out of me. Still does actually... 

If child birth is my destiny then I’m definitely taking the road less traveled. Don’t get me wrong. I adore children. I especially love babies - newborns. They smell like sweet milk and that creamy powdery scent seems to radiate from their pores. If J&J can bottle up that scent and sell it, they’ll make millions. I’m so in love with my nieces and nephews, I have 2 new ones that the stork just delivered - Chloe & Anatole. Don’t mind the name, my cousin-in-law has the knack of naming his kids the weirdest names. Good thing they’re all gorgeous. Examples of my nephews names are Avictory, Allegrio and now Anatole - see what I mean. 

I enjoy all my nieces & nephews (eldest 13 youngest 2 weeks old) taking them out, buying them gifts and spoiling them rotten, but only for a day at the most. I can actually carry a baby, make goo goo eyes and fart noises, but only for 15 minutes max, after that my arm hurts. I also take delight in playing with them but when they start crying - back to your own Mommy or I scream "Yaya!”. I think there’s a special gene for motherhood, and God decided I didn’t need one. At this point in my life, I do not feel that my biological clock is ticking or the intense desire to create a mini-me. Well, not yet anyways. 

Even my dearest Mom doesn’t think I should have children anymore. Hahahaha! I think she’s traumatized or think its not worth the hassle. Kidding Mom, I know you love us so much that you want us to enjoy our lives as much as we can. She actually wants me to travel the globe, study different cultures, be who I want to be... And just LIVE, no strings attached. Not yet anyways. 

Well, even my dearest departed Mompy also discouraged me to have children. Her take on it is a bit morbid, if I give birth this year, once my child hits 30, the Earth will be a horrible place to live in, nothing to eat because of polluted waters, diseased cattle and hormone injections. And she used to ask... can we guarantee, even with the best upbringing, that your child will be GOOD? What if your child becomes a murderer or a drug dealer? My Mompy was way ahead of her time. She wanted me to live a wonderful life, a life with no worries. Not yet anyways. 

This is a debate inside my head. To be or not to be - a Mommy. I still have a lot of years to think about it, especially with IN VITRO and all but at this moment, I really feel its not for me. 

I’m at a crossroads. Two roads before me. One, a promise of family, companionship and affection with a big possibility of heartache & pain and a huge responsibility to society - to create a good individual. 

And the other, the road less traveled. I choose to travel that road - solo. For now. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The right time will come...don't worry!! and if it is the right time, I am sure you will savor the moment...
    in the meantime, enjoy your SOLO road..!!

  3. Hahaha, OMG ur Mompy is funny!!! :-))
    I can truly relate, but its because i think i'll be more of a child than my child. Most probably not for me this lifetime, and In vitro is good for people like me who are not fond of pututuys
