Tuesday, March 22, 2016

In Love

I'm so in love with life right now. So much realizations from last year to now and all about who I am.
Learning what makes me tick, what calms me down, and how to be happy.
Yes, happiness is a choice.

One of my favorite uncles, who passed away last year in a tragic chopper accident, tried to teach me this a few years back - Happiness is your choice. You choose to find joy in any situation.
And boy, did I find it at Mount Ugo's peak.

Day 2 of our adventure begins with the most breathtaking sunrise.
One of my goals for this year is to catch as many sunrises and sunsets as I can.
We never know when its our last.

We stared at God's masterpiece for over an hour, watching the sea of clouds roll in and the dawn slowly fade into vibrant blue. I couldn't peel my eyes away.
Not until I could smell freshly cooked eggs and garlic rice.
My grumbling tummy was too loud and needed to be addressed.

After breakfast, it was time to pack up and head to the summit. It was a short but steep climb up.
At the peak, the Mount Ugo marker stood proud right smack in the middle of Pangasinan, Nueva Viscaya and Benguet.

Finally, we did it. I conquered 2,150 MASL and 33 kilometers of rough terrain, freezing weather with this amazing team. We pushed and inspired each other to put one foot in front of one another and to always look at the beauty around us.

Of course, every up has it's down. Mount Ugo's traverse goes straight down to Benguet.
How cool is that? Climb up from Nueva Viscaya and end up in an entirely different province.
The path was slippery and steep. I felt my toe nails dying one by one. And man, my knees!
But each step, each dying toe, each cramp and even the numbness of each limb was worth it.
Mount Ugo was one of my best adventures.

I promised myself to do things this year that will make me fall in love with life everyday.
Find Easter eggs at work, so that as my career grows, my heart grows with it.
Go on adventures, travel, love. Love so deep that those close to you know and never for a second doubt you didn't love them. Because when you're gone, those experiences will keep your memory alive.

Like any relationship, it's a two way street, you have to give and also have to take.
To stay in love with life, you have to work on it. Balance - that is the key.
Find your happiness.
Happiness is your choice.
Stay in love, always.

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